December 6, 2015

Hanson Day vs. Back to the Island

In the last few years, Hanson has created two annual events for fan club members: Hanson Day and Back to the Island. These are arguably the holy grail of Hanson events. Whether you’re someone who is lucky enough to go to both, someone that has to choose one or the other, or someone that dreams of being able to make one happen one day, you have to stand somewhere on the Hanson Day vs. BTTI debate. Which one is better? If you can only attend one, which one do you pick? Which is the best fit for your situation and your preferences? Here’s a Venn Diagram, because, you know, ex-English teacher and all.

I’m not going to tell you that one is better than the other because I think it all comes down to personal preference, and both offer great experiences that you simply can’t get anywhere else or from any other band. We're pretty spoiled and lucky that way.

Where do you stand on the Hanson Day vs. BTTI debate? Did I miss any great selling points that make these events special to you?


Cecilia said...

I'm about to attend my first fan club exclusive event. The reason I chose BTTI is because I was afraid that they wouldn't keep doing it. So I wanted to guarantee this experience. Unfortunately I can't attend both at the same year, I need to work hahaha
But I'm planning to attend Hanson Day in 2017 and skip BTTI that year.

Anonymous said...

I can only ever do one. And I can't see myself skipping BTTI! But after this year my hubby and I may do it every other year. So perhaps then I can take a weekend for Tulsa :)

Jennifer W. said...

I like the idea of BTTI but it's just not affordable for me so Hanson Day it is and my 1st Hanson Day will be 2016.

Mel said...

I did Hanson Day in 2013 because I knew I wouldn't be able to after that. Can't afford BTTI, although I'd love to be able to go sometime.

Alison said...

I'd love to experience BTTI sometime, but Hanson Day in Tulsa is a tradition for me and my BFF. We live a thousand miles apart, and Hanson Day is one of the few times a year we see each other. I know she couldn't afford BTTI, so I could only go to one, it would be Hanson day.

Jody L. Powell said...

Hanson Day hasn't gotten so full of great stuff. I love the lectures and State of the Band, and how Hop Jam gives us an extra concert. And it gives me another reason to go to Tulsa, one of my favorite cities that I used to go to once a year before Hanson even started having Hanson Day just because I love the city so much and it was always a great road trip. (I've seen other bands there and I have friends who do theatre there so I go to see their shows). But BTTI is also a great experience. Just can't beat a tropical island in January, SIX Hanson concerts, activity time with the band, and all the leisure time, not to mention how great it is to walk in any restaurant or bar and not have to worry about the price of anything. I still can't pick, lol!

Unknown said...

I went to MOE in 2007 with intentions on going in 2016. BUT I always takes place around my birthday so I'm hoping to make it as my Birthday present and 20th anniversary in 2017.

Unknown said...

*BTTI NOT "BUT I" lol stupid autocorrect

asphodelia said...

I've only been to BTTI so far although I hope to be able to do MOE next year.
From what I've heard, it's like comparing apples and oranges - they're very different types of events.

For an international fans who doesn't get the chance to see the band at a relative low cost, BTTI is great. Yes it's expensive but it's like a full-immersion in Hanson-ness for 4 days and really good value for money in that respect.

But it also has a slightly more shallow feel than (from what I've perceived)MOE. Of course, it's a holiday setting. Things like the 'activities' are either your thing or they're not - personally I felt a bit silly to paint a clay duck in a room with 200 other female fans, with the band's drummer walking around and looking at our work. I'd much rather listen to Hanson talk about music, or watch Zac write a song on the spot. The holiday village activities are really lost on me.

MOE really appeals because Tulsa is a real place, with art and culture. And the idea of seeing Hanson on their home turf is really special - everybody says that they seem a lot more relaxed there.

Anyway, I'll stop rambling now!

Holly said...

Don't worry, rambling is welcome around here. Ex.- Every post I've ever made :-)

It's interesting seeing everyone's picks and different reasons. I agree it's like comparing apples and oranges. I think it mostly becomes an either/or comparison because they're the two most original and consistent events Hanson puts on every year, and for a lot of people that can only afford to make it to one (whether that's due to money or time off or any number of circumstances), it's a choice that has to be made even if it doesn't really make sense to compare the two. I'm so glad I've been lucky enough to make both work, but it's interesting to think about the pros and cons of each and figure out what choice I might make if it came down to choosing just one. Both are amazing opportunities.

asphodelia said...

Good point about the 'either or' - most people outside the US can really only do one (with a few exceptions I know of). I certainly won't be able to go to BTTI in 2017 if I want to finally make it to Tulsa next year.

I can't wait to be able to properly compare!

Alessandra said...

I'm going to Hanson day this year and I'm beyond happy. This is my first time in Hanson event. I know it's gonna be amazing! Maybe BTTI 2017. @alelubets

Brigitte said...

This will be my 4th Hanson Day, but I haven't done BTTI yet because of the cost. I'm hoping for 2018. It's definitely on my bucket list.

Unknown said...

Before this year I would have had a hard time picking. BTTI 2017 put BTTI in the winner's circle for me. I loved having more daylight hours for beach time and the new activities that got more people involved. If I ever have to choose - I heart Tulsa, but I heart BTTI just a tiny bit more.

paola said...

I must say that I'm one of those that have picked Hanson Day over BTTI, 5 years in a row actually. Mainly because to me is more affordable, and also because I became addicted. I've been going to HDay since 2012 and as incredible as it sounds, it gets better every year hence me going back again this year. Lol!
However, this year I finally made it to BTTI. And I fell in love right away. Everything about it is to dream for. I'm skipping BTTI2018 for financial reasons, but I'm definitely going to BTTI2019 if there's one. So now, that I've been lucky enough to experience both events, I have to say that is so very hard for me to pick.

Hanson fan 97 said...

Hi i just saw your post about Hanson day. This is my forst year and im hoping the dstes are up soon so I can book everything in time. Are the indivual event tickets expensive and do I have to buy them before or can i pick them and pay when i get there? Do we need tickers for the hanson concert or is that included in membership?

Holly said...

The concert itself is always free with fan club membership, so you'll only need to click the RSVP button once it goes up to be able to attend. Past events have ranged from about $15-$50 for tickets (with bowling and game night being the only ones that cost $50). Most are in the $15-20 range. They have to be paid for in advance online, and several events do sell out quickly so you won't want to wait on anything you're sure you want to attend. The only other thing that can be confusing is if you're going with another person, each person has to purchase their own tickets from their own account. You can't just buy two and give one to your friend even if that person is a fan club member. Good luck & have fun! I hope we get more information soon, too.